Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm so disgusted I can hardly believe it. The sale of the house fell through again. We are just beside ourselves with how upset we are. Why does it have to be so difficult for folks to come up with a loan???
Jake started his job and that is great news. He called last night, however, and asked me how I thought I should he should deal with a person he has in his training class who is a muslim and sits in the class making statements of Islam and is extremely disruptive and distracting to Jake. I told Jake that he should probably talk to the teacher because there are probably others in the class who are bothered by him. Jake wanted me to tell him what I knew about the Koran so he could talk to the guy, but I didn't think that was maybe the best approach because Jake also noted that he thinks the guy is one exposure short of a full roll of film. I pray Jake gets this settled so he can concentrate on getting through this class. I almost couldn't sleep last night thinking about it and it was the first thing on my mind this morning.
Lauren is doing fine I think. She's attending her classes and trying to keep up, but with all her distractions or distraction, it's hard for her.
Clay is doing well. He is feeling good and back at work and seems fully recovered from his trip. He brought me a couple of nice gifts, a pair of mammoth ivory earrings and a night shirt. He is very thoughtful.
Well, hopefully our new realtor can sell this house for us pretty quick. Tracy, at work, told me that it will sell by the 10th of October. Okay, we'll see if that happens. I've had people make predictions before and they have not worked out.
The weather here is still pretty nice. Somewhat cooler, but still for September it's been fabulous. Peace out.

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