Thursday, November 23, 2006

I haven't figured why it's been such a while since I've been here to write except that I've been pretty busy since we've been back from NV. Here is a photo that Jake sent of his cat, Cochise. He looks pretty comfy there! Jake said that he and Cody's cat, Bamboo, sleep in his underwear.
Happy Thanksgiving! Is it possible that we are nearing the end of 2006??? I guess that is okay. It's happening whether anyone is ready or not! I am not doing dinner here. We are going over to friend's for dinner and taking a couple of side dishes. I have to work tomorrow so it's not like it's going to be a big weekend for me. Oh well!!!

The other photo is of Lauren and Randy and their dog, Smoky. He is very dark so it's hard to see what he looks like. They wanted me to take their photo the other night so I took several, but Smoky is dark in all of them. Smoky and Chester don't really get along. Smoky wants to play and Chester wants to be left alone. They end up running all over the house because they always want to follow me when I get up and leave the room.
I have most of Christmas bought for this year, which is always nice. I will need to wrap a few things, get them boxed, and then in the mail. will be Christmas cards. Hopefully I will have time to make a few!!
Tomorrow I think I'll try to get over to Joanns and see what I can get with my coupons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That kitty looks SO cozy. How funny that they like to sleep in his underware! Bearkat would always chew Bob's up--seek and destroy actually. He never bothered mine, must be something extra dicey about Bob's! Great pix, thanks for sharing Linda bee... hope your Thanksgiving is Wonderful!