Monday, August 28, 2006

This is a card I did a few months ago. It's still one of my favorites. Monday again. I didn't hear from Jake all weekend, but on Friday he called to tell me how excited he was about his new apartment.
Clay, my husband, left yesterday for his goat hunt. He sounded a little dubious about the terrain, but still confident on getting one.
Lauren, my daughter, is all set up for school. She'll start classes this Thursday. This is a really neat chapter of her life that is beginning. I'm so glad she's decided to attend college.
Well, my life is pretty much the same. I worked on Jake's room for almost 2 hours yesterday. Only killed one bug. His mattress was black. The smell is going to take a long time to dissipate, oh and all the black crud on's bike grease...remains of him coming home after work and not taking a shower. How he ever got a girl to go into that room I'll never know. Lauren's response, "Mom, you SAW the girls he took down there!" hahahaha. Well, a couple of them were kind of cute and nice. Scary.
Lots to do this week!

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